amazing tips to memorize new vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary is essential for language learning, akin to maintaining a balanced diet; while there’s no universal approach, patience, realistic goals, and self-rewards can complement strategies tailored to individual preferences shares Hello-Hello Language on Go, the leading language learning app developer of iOS and Android devices.

Amazing Tips to Memorize New Vocabulary Faster

Use memory techniques – Mnemonics, popular for vocabulary memorization, involve mental shortcuts like creating associations or acronyms; for instance, to remember “accommodation,” envision two cots needing two mattresses. While initial memorization of the mnemonic is necessary, practice fosters proficiency in forming creative and effective connections, and the longer you engage with these techniques, the stronger your word retention becomes.

Make a learning environment – While studying abroad accelerates language acquisition through immersion, you can also cultivate a conducive learning environment at home by surrounding yourself with resources in the target language, such as books, magazines, movies, and cuisine, facilitating gradual vocabulary expansion regardless of location.

Learn from real-life situations – Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts, and songs serve not only as rich sources of common vocabulary but also as effective aids for memorization, as they are inherently linked to scenes, characters, or real-life events.

Opt for consuming content in the original language with subtitles, and when encountering unfamiliar phrases or sentences, jot them down, look up their meanings, and commit them to memory, leveraging the contextual associations for enhanced retention.

Put the words in context – To expedite vocabulary acquisition, contextualize words within sentences rather than compiling random lists, facilitating understanding of their real-life usage; incorporating humour into sentence creation can aid memorization, and complementing sentences with drawings or images enhance comprehension by placing words in their natural context, catering to diverse learning styles.

Find the tools that work for you – Given the variability in learning preferences, experiment with diverse methods, such as flashcards, apps, lists, games, or post-its, or a blend of these approaches, to find what best suits you; similarly, whether you prefer a structured schedule or spontaneous learning sessions, establishing a consistent rhythm is key, as practice fosters proficiency.

Take it to the next level – To elevate your language learning, incorporate mind maps with related words, synonyms, or antonyms; optimize your learning experience by refraining from translating words into your native language, and instead, aim to explain and describe them in the language you’re studying.

Pay attention to useful words – If your goal is to enhance your vocabulary for a marketing career abroad, prioritize practical and relevant words that align with your professional field, interests, and everyday conversations, as they are easier to learn and apply frequently; consider turning vocabulary acquisition into a rewarding game by incentivizing the use of specific words in real-life conversations.

Make it interactive – In your quest for effective learning tools, strive for a comprehensive approach: immerse yourself in the language by not only reading words from cards or lists but also hearing them pronounced, speaking them aloud, and writing or typing them; engaging multiple senses enriches the learning experience, so why not indulge in some ice cream while learning the names of different flavors?

Repeat and keep repeating some more – Don’t just review new vocabulary; revisit previously learned words regularly to reinforce retention, even if you believe you’ve already memorized them; while you may not need to review stored words as frequently as new ones, consistent usage enhances your ability to remember and recall them effectively.

Learn Spanish (Hello-Hello)

Check out the new version of our Spanish language learning app for iPhone and iPad. Learn Spanish with Hello-Hello offers a completely new and improved version of our app with animated videos, a redesigned interface and additional features! Follow our adorable characters on a fun journey to learn Spanish!

Seriously, this is now, by far, THE BEST language learning app available on iTunes 🙂

  • Animated videos and comic strips.
  • New games to practice reading and listening skills
  • Cleaner and more friendly user interface
  • Follow your course progress
  • Take notes
  • Receive notifications with lesson reminders. The more you practice, the more you learn!
  • Receive notifications with new words to build your vocabulary

Check out the iTunes store Hello-Hello Spanish app here