These are some of the basic German words that as a tourist one should know beforehand while traveling to Germany. Though it is a good idea to go beyond this group of words. And if you are looking to learn more German words, then Hello-Hello Language on Go! is the right app for you to start learning and polish your German-s
Learning a new skill always brings in some changes. And the same applies to learning languages too. Have […]
In Berlin, the vast majority of people speak English very well. But that is not to say you should not be polite and attempt to speak ein bisschen Deutsch a little German outside of the capital city.
The world around is quite chaotic. Perhaps, one of the common things across the globe everyone desires deeply […]
Traditions for celebrations around the world mostly differ, but birthdays are one such thing that all people have in common, even if they speak different languages.
Hello-Hello’s Learn German Vocabulary app helps users to master German words and phrases essential for their academic, professional, and business success.
Every language just like every culture can become stereotyped, and German is not unique to this. There are […]