Hello-Hello the leading iphone educational app developer shares info on the top festivals celebrated in World
As their name suggests, honorifics are mostly used to honor the individual to who you are speaking to. There are a few choices in the English language.
Best selling language learning app for iPhone, iPad and Andorid - Hello-Hello shares how leading countries got its name
Learn how to say Vote in different foreign languages in the world
One language is certainly not sufficient to convey entire detailed feelings, nuances, attitudes, and phenomena that consist of the human experience.
The Italian language is full of idiomatic expressions. A few contain Biblical roots, while others have literary origins.
Read this blog, as this tells about some of the lucrative and high-paying jobs if you know or learn a foreign language.
The Portuguese language is one of the most essential spoken around the globe today. Not just is it the 6th most spoken language globally, but it also has a strong presence on almost all of the continents.
With Easter just a few hours away, it is a good idea to know how people say Happy Easter and its related words or phrases in different languages in different countries.
Official languages are quite the standard globally. While the exact role they play varies from country to country, […]