Learning how to greet someone is one of the first things you must master when taking on a […]
When you start learning a new language, be it Spanish or any other the basics also include, how […]
When you go or plan to visit a country you prefer to know more about the culture, the traditions and also the food of that specific country, where you are planning to visit. Isn’t it? And you seem to know more about food because ultimately one needs to have food for survival.
Just like a Hello, which is the word used to start a conversation with all that enthusiasm. Contrary to that saying Goodbye which is a word filled with all the emotion and also, at times never easy to say.
You love someone, or are in love already. And also, you are learning Spanish. Great! As Valentine’s Day is just a few days apart you would not want to miss this day to express your love to your special one.
Being grateful is a nice gesture of human life. And when you say Thank You, it expresses your feeling towards the person to whom you feel grateful about.
So, when it comes to learning ways to say hello in different languages around the globe, don’t fret. In this blog, you will be covered.
Knowing a certain medical Spanish phrases on hand will make the experience completely easier.
Be it is for holiday, curiosity, or requirement, you can hit the road running in the Spanish language by making yourself familiarize with few of these elementary Spanish words and phrases. Learning Spanish words and phrases is vital, as only the grammer will not teach you how the language is used by the more than 450 million Spanish speakers globally.
Traditions for celebrations around the world mostly differ, but birthdays are one such thing that all people have in common, even if they speak different languages.