In Berlin, the vast majority of people speak English very well. But that is not to say you should not be polite and attempt to speak ein bisschen Deutsch a little German outside of the capital city.
Whether you wish to study abroad or are doing a major in international business, everyone can benefit from a little foreign language experience. In fact, for several undergraduate degrees, a few semesters of a foreign language are actually needed. Which language you opt to learn could support your career as a young adult.
These days almost every household uses appliances and a mass of household appliances in your homes are being […]
Beautiful it is just a simple word with infinite meaning and express all over the world. You say it […]
French is a wonderful language. If all of a sudden you are traveling to France, you should know a few things first-hand. Especially, as the French are really proud of their language. Before you travel, you should certainly learn the most basic French words and phrases to get by. You will navigate easier and receive better customer service if you speak a little bit of French.
In your attempt to be a global player, you need to familiarize yourself with español para los negocios […]
Whoever said learning a foreign language is easy, perhaps it is not entirely right. The thought always crosses […]
The world around is quite chaotic. Perhaps, one of the common things across the globe everyone desires deeply […]
Spanish is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world and Castilian (the version spoken in Spain) […]
Learning how to greet someone is one of the first things you must master when taking on a […]