Since, we know that at a certain point virtually, everyone, makes a mistake, so we are trying to know how the word “mistake” is spoken worldwide in different languages?
If you are an English speaker who has spent any amount of time exploring the German language, you […]
a, and Makȟóčhe. And to be certain, this is not merely a subject of translating the same root word into various languages.
Italian and English share a good amount of language between them. It is because Italian is a direct descendant of Latin, and Latin and English were in direct contact a long time ago
You probably all know that French is one of the most popular languages that is spoken around the globe by a huge number of people.
Language is such an integral part of our daily life, and several people in the US come from widely diverse language backgrounds.
Whether one is a kid or even an adult, chances are at some point in time you have […]
in grammar and vocabulary, making audio and video translations is quite a simpler process if you already know one Romance language
The reason, why you will find using Hello-Hello’s language learning app is because it contains visually appealing animation besides mobile immersion-based technology that lends you a VIRTUAL environment that makes and guides you to learn language not just verbally but visually to
Europe is home to several languages, including some of the widely spoken languages in the world. But what languages dominate this diverse region? We tell you about some of them.