foreign language iPhone app

Are you a frequent flier? Do you often need to visit other countries? And check-in and check-out of the airport are amongst your fixed routine too? If this is the case, then there might be a good possibility that natives of a particular country where you will visit may or may not always speak in English. This is where the things could become a little bit tricky. Specifically, if you are in that particular country for a brief period of time.

Sometimes, when one needs to travel to a particular country and may not even get time to gather knowledge or information with regards to some of the common and yet most important words that could be handy.

But please relax and, don’t fret about anything if you do not know other languages apart from English. This blog will simply tell you several ways to say airport in different languages across the world.

So, read on further to know how to say airport in different languages. So next time if you visit any of those countries. You would at least know what to say or where you need to head for.

Dutch – luchthaven

French – aéroport

German –  Flughafen                                                    

Italian/Portuguese – aeroporto

Russian – аэропорт [aeroport]                                 

Spanish – aeropuerto                                                   

Japanese – 空港 (Kūkō)

Chinese (Mandarin) –  (Fēijī chǎng)

Indonesian – Bandar

Hindi – हवाई अड्डा (Hawai Adda)

We hope that now you will know the native words for the airport for the specific countries are given above.