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Traditions for celebrations around the world mostly differ, but birthdays are one such thing that all people have in common, even if they speak different languages. So, take this as a chance for more speaking practice! After all, who does not like to be wished a Happy Birthday? You can even plan a birthday celebration in the language that you are learning.

The words might be different, but the love and warmth you feel when someone wishes you a happy birthday is universally known. Birthdays aren’t simply about streamers, balloons, and cake (though those definitely don’t hurt!), they are about coming together to celebrate your loved one’s past, present, and future.

Read on and learn how to say, Happy Birthday in different languages around the world. So the next time when you celebrate your friend’s birthday, give them a surprise by wishing them in their native language.

Feliz Cumpleaños (Spanish)

Buon Compleanno (Italian)

Bon anniversaire (French)

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag (German)

Selamat ulang tahun (Indonesian)

お誕生日おめでとうございます (Otanjōbiomedetōgozaimasu)(Japanese)

Feliz Aniversário (Portuguese)

S dnem rozhdeniya (Russian)

Fijne verjaardag (Dutch)

生日快樂(Sang Yat Fai Lok) (Cantonese)

जन्मदिनकीशुभकामनाएं (Janmadin Kee Shubhakaamanaen) (Hindi)

Now you have it. You are now a master polyglot in Happy Birthday all over the world. It always means a lot to be wished a Happy Birthday, but to hear it in your native tongue from a foreign friend is quite special. It shows you put a wonderful thought and effort into it.

So now you can get some language speaking practice with your friends globally. Even if it’s just to wish Happy Birthday in other languages and spread some happiness.