learn spanish with Hello-Hello iPhone app

When you stay at a luxury hotel in Puerto Rico, you know you will be able to speak English with the resort staff, so you look to focus on packing rather than learning Spanish. And that is fine! You want to enjoy a laid-back holiday at your favourite resort.

However, any moment you visit a new country, it is nice to learn a few phrases in the local language. It is fun, and it is a nice gesture toward the people who are welcoming you to this island. As you get out and about to explore the country, you may find the following words and phrases are practical and helpful, as well.

Por Favor (pour fah VOR): Please

You will never go wrong with this! Generally, (and politely) used, this basic phrase is simple to pronounce and you will hear it constantly here in Puerto Rico, so you will have it down in no time.

Gracias (GRAH see us): Thank you

Another important Spanish word any time you are staying at a beach resort in Puerto Rico.

¿Habla inglés? (AHH blah een GLACE): Do you speak English?

Not every individual in Puerto Rico just speaks Spanish. Initiating the conversation with this phrase will help both you, and the other individual, in determining how to communicate smoothly, and will possibly save you plenty of time and confusion.

Mi nombre es… (me NOME bray ess): My name is…

Me llamo (may YA moh) is another manner to say this. Use either of those phrases to introduce yourself and make a new buddy.

Mucho gusto. (MOO choh GOOSE toe): Pleased to meet you.

This easy phrase is a polite manner to respond the first time you are introduced to someone.

Spanish with Hello-Hello iPad app

¡Salud! (sah LOOD): Cheers!

When you wish to raise your glass in celebration in Puerto Rico, this is the common toast to use to “cheers” your amigos!

Perdón (pear DOHN): Sorry/excuse me.

It is a courteous manner to move around someone or apologize.

This blog has been written by Hello Hello on Go, the leading Spanish language learning app

Larn Spanish Vocabulary (HH) 

learn spanish vocabulary with hello-hello

Learn Spanish – Vocabulary helps you master Spanish words and phrases essential for your academic, professional, and business success. The Spanish course is based on a proven language learning methodology supported by amazing images; clear audio files (learn pronunciation) and engaging exercises. The app contains an extended database of Spanish words and phrases and features 7 different modules for learning, 4 of which are designed specifically to practice listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. The learning process is enhanced with the use of word games, self-voice recordings, and spelling checks. So get ready to learn Spanish with this Super cool iPhone app! iTunes Link https://apps.apple.com/us/app/learn-spanish-vocabulary-hh/id434209208