funny mistakes learn Spanish language app

Learning a new language is nevertheless an adventure, and Spanish is not an exception! Though mastering Spanish could be rewarding, a simple-looking mistake could turn a decent sentence into an embarrassing blunder. Here are a few hilarious mistakes you need to avoid while speaking in Spanish as shared by Hello-Hello one of the top-selling Spanish language learning apps for iPhone, iPad and Android mobiles and tabs.  

funny mistakes best learn Spanish language app


Tengo hambre vs. Tengo hombre “Tengo hambre” stands for “I am hungry”, eventually translating to “I have hunger.” However, beginners many a times mistakenly say “Tengo hombre”, which refers to “I have a man.” That is certainly not the same thing!

Estoy embarazada ≠ I am embarrassed “Embarazada” refers to a“pregnant,” not “embarrassed.” Several learners mistakenly say “Estoy embarazada” while they actually mean to express embarrassment. This might be particularly an awkward goof-up for men!

Estoy caliente vs. Tengo calor If one is feeling hot because of the weather, say “Tengo calor”, which literally means “I have heat.” Saying “Estoy caliente” gives off a totally different meaning—it refers that you are aroused. Surely, that’s not what you want to say in most situations!

Cansado vs. Casado A single word letter makes all the difference:

  • Cansado = Tired
  • Casado = Married

Mixing those together may lead to amusing or confusing discussions. Imagine you are asking a person if they are married while you really meant to know if they are tired.

Estoy aburrido vs. Soy aburrido With a few adjectives, the meaning alters depending on whether you use ser or estar:

  • Estoy aburrido = I am feeling bored (temporary state)
  • Soy aburrido = I am boring (permanent trait)

So if you ask an individual “¿Estás aburrido?”, you are actually asking if they are bored. But if you say “¿Eres aburrido?”, you are all the way calling them a boring individual!

Gracioso ≠ Gracious “Gracioso” usually sounds pretty similar to “gracious,” but it truly means “funny”. If someone calls you gracioso, they refer to say you are amusing, its not like that you are quite polite or well-behaved! Try to avoid these common errors, and your Spanish conversations will go off quite well.    

Learn Spanish (Hello-Hello)

Check out the new version of our Spanish language learning app for iPhone and iPad. Learn Spanish with Hello-Hello offers a completely new and improved version of our app with animated videos, a redesigned interface and additional features! Follow our adorable characters on a fun journey to learn Spanish!

Seriously, this is now, by far, THE BEST language learning app available on iTunes 🙂

  • Animated videos and comic strips.
  • New games to practice reading and listening skills
  • Cleaner and more friendly user interface
  • Follow your course progress
  • Take notes
  • Receive notifications with lesson reminders. The more you practice, the more you learn!
  • Receive notifications with new words to build your vocabulary

Check out the iTunes store Hello-Hello Spanish app here and the Android Play store