order vegan food foreign language hello-hello

Travelling as a vegan can present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to ordering food in different countries where language barriers may exist. Being vegan means avoiding all animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and often honey, and ensuring your dietary needs are communicated accurately, which is crucial for maintaining your lifestyle.

When travelling, it’s important to be able to articulate your dietary restrictions clearly in the local language, as this helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that your meals align with your ethical and health choices. This guide provides useful phrases in multiple languages, as explained by Hello-Hello Language the leading language-learning Android app developer.

How To Order Vegan Food In Other Languages During Traveling?


To request vegan food, say: “Je suis végan(e), pas de produits animaux, s’il vous plaît.” This means “I am vegan, no animal products, please.”


Ask for vegan options by saying: “Ich bin Veganer(in), bitte keine tierischen Produkte.” This translates to “I am vegan, no animal products, please.”


You can say: “Sono vegano/a, niente prodotti animali, per favore.” This means “I am vegan, no animal products, please.”


To order vegan food, use: “Soy vegano/a, sin productos animales, por favor.” This translates to “I am vegan, no animal products, please.”


Say: “Sou vegano/a, sem produtos de origem animal, por favor.” This means “I am vegan, no animal products, please.”


To request vegan food, say: ビーガンです。動物性のものは無しでお願いします。” (Bīgan desu. Dōbutsusei no mono wa nashi de onegaishimasu.) This means “I am vegan. No animal products, please.”


In Mandarin, say: “我是素食者,请不要含动物产品。” (Wǒ shì sùshí zhě, qǐng bùyào hán dòngwù chǎnpǐn.) This means “I am a vegan, please do not include animal products.”


You can say: “Saya vegan, tolong tanpa produk hewani.” This means “I am vegan, please no animal products.”


Ask for vegan options by saying: “Ik ben veganist, geen dierlijke producten, alstublieft.” This translates to “I am vegan, no animal products, please.”


To request vegan food, say: “Я веган, без продуктов животного происхождения, пожалуйста.” (Ya vegan, bez produktov zhivotnogo proiskhozhdeniya, pozhaluysta.) This means “I am vegan, no animal products, please.”

Tips for Ordering Vegan Food

  1. Be Specific: Always specify that you do not consume any animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey.
  2. Learn Key Phrases: Knowing phrases like “without meat,” “without dairy,” and “plant-based” can be very helpful.
  3. Use Apps: Consider using translation apps or vegan-specific travel apps that can help bridge language gaps.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware that veganism might not be as common in some cultures. Patience and politeness go a long way.

By mastering these phrases and showing a clear understanding of what veganism entails, you can enjoy vegan meals while travelling with confidence.