Embarking on a journey to France promises an enchanting experience filled with rich culture, exquisite cuisine, and breathtaking landscapes. While many locals in tourist hubs may speak English, having a basic understanding of French phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience and foster positive interactions with locals. In this blog, Hello-Hello, the French language learning app developer for iOS devices shares some key French travel phrases and words to make your adventure in France truly unforgettable.
Greetings and Polite Expressions:
- Bonjour (bohn-zhoor): Start your day with a cheerful “Good morning.” This versatile greeting is suitable for any time before noon.
- Salut (sah-loo): Use this informal greeting to say “Hi” or “Hello” among friends and peers.
- Bonsoir (bohn-swahr): As the day turns to evening, switch to “Good evening” with this phrase.
- Merci (mehr-see): Express gratitude by saying “Thank you.”
- S’il vous plaît (seel voo pleh): When making requests or seeking assistance, add politeness with “Please.”
Getting Around:
- Où est… ? (oo eh): If you’re looking for a specific location, ask “Where is…?” followed by the place you’re searching for.
- La gare (lah gahr): Find your way to the train station with this phrase.
- L’aéroport (lay-air-oh-por): Head to the airport using this word.
- Je voudrais un billet, s’il vous plaît (zhuh voo-dray ahn bee-yay, seel voo pleh): When purchasing tickets, use this phrase to politely say, “I would like a ticket, please.”
Dining and Culinary Adventures:
- Menu (muh-noo): Explore the offerings by asking for the menu.
- L’addition, s’il vous plaît (la-dee-syon, seel voo pleh): When you’re ready to settle the bill, request it with this phrase.
- Délicieux (day-lee-syu): Praise the deliciousness of your meal by saying “Delicious.”
- Une table pour deux, s’il vous plaît (ewn tahbl poor du, seel voo pleh): Secure a table for two by using this phrase at a restaurant.
Navigating Public Transportation:
- Métro (may-tro): Explore the Parisian underground by referring to the subway as “Métro.”
- Arrêt de bus (ah-ray duh bews): Locate bus stops with the phrase “Bus stop.”
Emergency Situations:
- Aidez-moi (eh-day mwah): In case of an emergency, seek help by saying “Help me.”
- Où est l’hôpital le plus proche ? (oo eh lo-pee-tal luh ploo prosh): If you need medical assistance, ask “Where is the nearest hospital?”
Cultural Understanding:
- Musée (mew-zay): Explore the rich artistic heritage of France by visiting a “Museum.”
- La tour Eiffel (lah toor ay-fehl): Marvel at the iconic symbol of Paris with a visit to the “Eiffel Tower.”
- Parlez-vous anglais ? (par-lay vooz ahn-glay): If all else fails, politely ask, “Do you speak English?”
Mastering these essential French travel phrases will not only enrich your experience in France but also demonstrate your respect for the local culture. French locals appreciate visitors who make an effort to communicate in their language, even if it’s just a few words. So, pack your bags, brush up on these phrases, and get ready for an amazing adventure in the heart of Europe. Bon voyage!

Learn French (Hello-Hello)
Learn French (Hello-Hello) is a full-fledged language course with 30 LESSONS developed in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), so you can be assured that these lessons follow an effective research-based methodology. All lessons are conversational based on realistic dialogues and situations, rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases. iTunes store link of Learn French (Hello-Hello)