If you’ve ever found yourself drawn to someone who speaks a different language, this blog is here to lend a hand. We understand the competitive landscape of the modern dating scene, where every little advantage counts. That’s why we’re taking aim at the language barrier, playing Cupid by providing you with the tools to stand out from the crowd and master the art of international flirting.
Remember the revelation that being bilingual was more attractive than sporting a six-pack? If you’re running a bit short on time to achieve fluency, the Hello Hello language learning app is there to bridge the gap between languages just in time for your romantic pursuit.
Accessible in Hello Hello’s most sought-after languages app this crash app offers invaluable advice for cross-cultural dating. Gain the know-how to kickstart a conversation and captivate the person who’s caught your eye using insights, essential words, and phrases, as well as interactive dialogues. Let us equip you with confidence in this blog from Hello-Hello a leading language app developer and creator of the eminent iOS app language learning to navigate the world of international flirting seamlessly.

The mechanics of international flirting
When your German date inquires, “Hast du Feuer?” (Do you have a lighter?), how would you react? Or when an Italian bursts out, “Dimmi se questo non è il destino!” (If this isn’t fate!), what context might it imply? And what does a Brazilian mean when they playfully say, “Eu vou fazer você suar!”? (You’ll have to do some research on that one!) With the Date Prepper at your disposal, deciphering these phrases and crafting fitting responses becomes a breeze.
Crafted with the aim of playfully nudging English speakers beyond their monolingual comfort zones, this tool equips you with the crucial phrases and skills needed to emerge victorious.
Tailored particularly for English speakers, the Hello Hello dating guide offers insightful tips, ensuring you’re well-prepared to seize the dating scene.
- When inviting a German for a coffee outing, don’t be taken aback when they expect each person to cover their own expenses; splitting the bill is a common practice.
- When interacting with an Italian, remember that presenting yourself well is just as significant as your ability to listen, so be sure to make a good impression.

- Should you find yourself on a date with a French person, be prepared for a potential greeting of up to three kisses, location-dependent. Avoid offering a handshake or a half-hearted hug to prevent awkwardness.
- Brazilians, known for their passionate nature, tend to be quite direct. If they’re interested in you, they won’t shy away from expressing it.
- In the case of a Spanish date, it’s not uncommon for them to arrive a bit later than scheduled. Don’t let this discourage you.
Taking the proven method from Hello Hello into the realm of romance, we’re here to assist you in asking that special someone out in their native language. Why? Because a majority of Hello Hello users revealed they would learn a new language to enhance their love lives. So, take that extra step and master the language of love.
Learn English (Hello-Hello)
Learn English (Hello-Hello) is a full-fledged language course with 30 LESSONS developed in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), so you can be assured that these lessons follow an effective research-based methodology. All lessons are conversational and based on realistic dialogues and situations, rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases. iTunes store link of Learn English (Hello-Hello)