learn spanish with Hello-Hello apps

Ordering food in Spanish can be a delightful and immersive experience. Whether you are travelling to a Spanish-speaking country or dining at a local Spanish restaurant, mastering the art of ordering food in Spanish will enhance your culinary adventures.

In this blog post, Hello Hello the top language app developer and creator of the well-known iOS app “Learn Spanish with Hello Hello” provides essential tips and phrases to help you order food like a pro.

Greeting and Getting Started

When you enter a restaurant, it’s important to greet the staff politely. A simple “Buenos días” (Good morning), “Buenas tardes” (Good afternoon), or “Buenas noches” (Good evening) will suffice. Once seated, it’s time to review the menu. If you need a moment, you can say, “¿Me da un momento, por favor?” (Can you give me a moment, please?). Take your time to peruse the menu, and if you have any questions about the dishes, don’t hesitate to ask the server.

Ordering Drinks

Start your dining experience by ordering drinks. Common phrases for ordering beverages include “Me gustaría” (I would like) followed by the name of the drink. For example, “Me gustaría una cerveza” (I would like a beer) or “Quisiera un vaso de agua” (I would like a glass of water). If you prefer a specific brand or flavor, you can specify it by saying, “¿Tienen Coca-Cola?” (Do you have Coca-Cola?) or “¿Tienen zumo de naranja natural?” (Do you have fresh orange juice?).

Appetizers and Starters

When it comes to appetizers and starters, you can use phrases like “Para empezar” (To start with) or “De primero” (As a first course). For example, you can say, “Para empezar, me gustaría unas croquetas” (To start with, I would like some croquettes) or “De primero, quisiera una ensalada mixta” (As a first course, I would like a mixed salad). Feel free to explore the menu and choose your preferred dishes.

Main Course

To order your main course, you can use phrases such as “De segundo” (As a second course) or “Como plato principal” (As the main dish). For instance, you can say, “De segundo, me gustaría un filete de ternera con patatas” (As a second course, I would like a beef steak with potatoes) or “Como plato principal, quisiera un pescado al horno” (As the main dish, I would like a baked fish). Don’t forget to mention any specific preferences or dietary restrictions you may have.

Desserts and Closing the Meal

To complete your dining experience, explore the dessert menu and choose your favorite treat. You can say, “Para el postre, me gustaría una tarta de chocolate” (For dessert, I would like a chocolate cake) or “Quisiera un helado de vainilla” (I would like a vanilla ice cream). After enjoying your meal, it’s customary to ask for the bill by saying, “La cuenta, por favor” (The bill, please). You can then proceed to pay and thank the staff for their service by saying, “Gracias por todo” (Thank you for everything).

Ordering food in Spanish can be a gratifying experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the local culture. By using these essential phrases and tips, you’ll be able to confidently navigate Spanish menus, communicate your preferences, and enjoy a delicious meal like a true pro. ¡Buen provecho! (Enjoy your meal!)

Learn Spanish (Hello-Hello)

Check out the new version of our Spanish language learning app for iPhone and iPad. Learn Spanish with Hello-Hello offers a completely new and improved version of our app with animated videos, redesigned interface and additional features! Follow our adorable characters on a fun journey to learn Spanish!

Seriously, this is now, by far, THE BEST language learning app available on iTunes 🙂

  • Animated videos and comic strips.
  • New games to practice reading and listening skills
  • Cleaner and more friendly user interface
  • Follow your course progress
  • Take notes
  • Receive notifications with lesson reminders. The more you practice, the more you learn!
  • Receive notifications with new words to build your vocabulary

Check out the iTunes store Hello-Hello Spanish app here