Eating together is probably one of the most social activities there is, whether it be having coffee with a friend or sitting down to a holiday dinner with the whole family. It easily makes sense, then, that meals have as well spawned a slew of traditions. One of the most widespread among these traditions is the toast. Not the burned bread sort, but the one where everyone clinks glasses.

Toasts have been around for a quite long time. Basically, ever since human beings drank the first beer around 7,000 years ago, they have been thinking of things to drink.
Here’s how to say “Cheers!” in various key international languages:
French: “Santé!”
Spanish: “¡Salud!”
Italian: “Salute!”
German: “Prost!”
Portuguese: “Saúde!”
Russian: “За здоровье!” (Za zdorovye!)
Japanese: “乾杯!” (Kanpai!)
Chinese (Mandarin): “干杯!” (Gānbēi!)
Dutch: “Proost!”
Hindi: “अच्छेदिनोंकीकामना!” (Acche dino ki kamna!)

Bear in mind that these translations might vary depending on regional dialects and customs, but these are usually, recognized ways to toast and say “Cheers!” in these languages.
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