learn Indonesian with hello-hello app

Like many others, you also know a lot about the beautiful beaches and temples of Bali. Millions of people go there every year, and the island is forming at an incredible speed.

Even though there is a whole lot more to Indonesia—often referred to as the country of 1,000 islands—than simply Bali? Indonesia is composed of around 17,500 islands, of which more than 7,000 are uninhabited.

And the wonderful thing for the tourist who aspires to see it all is that the effort to promote the national Indonesian language has been hugely successful. The huge majority of Indonesian people are perfectly bilingual in at least one local language as well as standard Indonesian.

So the visitor with Indonesian phrases for travellers in their grasp gets to avoid the problem of learning multiple local languages and rather gets to experience the benefit of using the national language wherever they visit.

So, let us check some of the phrases in Indonesian that you should know while travelling to Indonesia as shared by Hello Hello Language on Go the top Indonesian language learning app.

learn Indonesian with hello-hello app

Let us know the basics first:

  • How much is this? Ini harganya berapa?
  • Do you have any recommendations? Apakah Anda punya rekomendasi?
  • Do you speak English? Apakah kamu bisa Bahasa Inggris?
  • Where is the train station? Di mana stasiun kereta api?
  • Water, please. Minta air minum.
  • Do you have any vegetarian dishes? Apakah Anda memiliki hidangan vegetarian


  • Good morning! Selamat pagi!
  • Good afternoon! Selamat siang!
  • Good evening! Selamat sore!
  • Good night! Selamat malam!
  • Once you have met someone several times, the selamat gets dropped, and simply saying the time of day is adequate. You will notice that the vowel sound generally, gets stretched out for this.
  • Good eveniiiing! Soreeeee!
  • When you are merely trying to gain someone’s attention, the greeting is not necessary—simply say “excuse me” and add the right pronoun.
  • Excuse me, madam… Permisi, Bu
  • Excuse me, sir…Permisi, Pak


  • This one, please  Yang ini
  • Thank you! Thanks Terima kasih! Makasih!
  • I really like this!” Saya sangat suka yang ini
  • Can you make it any cheaper?” Boleh sedikit lebih murah?

While dining out:

  • Add rice, right? Pakai nasi, nggak?
  • The food was excellent! Makanannya enak sekali!
  • For direction and transportation
  • Turn left here, then make a U-Turn. Di sini belok kiri, terus putar balik.
  • Does this bus go to…? pakah bis ini pergi ke …?

learn Indonesian language with Hello-Hello


Top-Selling Indonesian courses in the US, UK, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Brazil, China, Russia, etc.

  • The research-based methodology was developed in collaboration with the most prestigious institution for language teachers and professionals: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages – ACTFL
  • INNOVATIVE METHODOLOGY: Developed in collaboration with ACTFL – The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, which is the largest and most respected association for language teachers and professionals. ACTFL’s guidelines are followed by all major universities in the USA.
  • COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Learn to communicate effectively from LESSON 1! Hello-Hello offers 30 conversational lessons based on real-life situations rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases. Dialogues are presented and then broken down into sentence by sentence where you can practice pronunciation and writing skills
  • VOCABULARY BUILDING: Practice vocabulary with hundreds of fun and interactive Flashcards plus our innovative Build Your Vocabulary exercise where you can practice alternate words and phrases from within the dialogues