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You will not get very far in another language without learning how to say hello and goodbye. The majority of the language learning apps, teachers, and textbooks will have you covered on that front from day one. But who is going to have your back when you are struggling to come up with the proper email salutations in your target language?
This kind of thing has implications, by the way. It is hard enough to decide between “Sincerely,” “Best” and “Thank you!” in English. And straight away translating the email greetings you are used to using in your native language would not land in the same manner to a speaker of a different language. One study found that around 40% of Koreans thought Australian emails were impolite, while almost 28% of Australians thought Korean emails were rude.
Suppose you have ever aced a quiz on ways to answer the phone in another language. In that case, you are probably hip to the fact that phone and email etiquette calls for slightly separate language than spoken communication does. Here are some examples of email salutations in other languages that might feel more natural rolling off your fingertips than “sincerely” or “best.”

Email salutations in other languages
Bonjour — Hello
Bonsoir — Good evening
Bonjour monsieur/madame — Hello sir or madam (its formal)
Salut ___, — Hey ___, (in casual)
Estimado/a ___, — Dear ___, (its formal)
Querido/a ___, — Dear ___, (informal)
Buenos días/tardes — Good day! or afternoon!
Hola — Hello
Buenas — Hey (in casual)
Sehr geehrter Herr ___/Sehr geehrte Frau ___ — Dear Mr. or Dear Mrs. ___ (formal)
Hallo — Hello/Hey
Lieber (male)/Liebe (female) ___, — Dear ___, (for friends or relatives)
Ciao — Ciao (informal)
Buongiorno — Good day! or Hello!
Egregio Sig./Egregia Sig.ra ___, — Dear Mr./Mrs. ___,
Gentile Sig./Gentile Sig.ra ___ — Dear Mr./Mrs. ___,
いつもお世話になっております。— I am always grateful for your help. (yes, even if you have never met)
お世話になっております。株式会社〇〇(社名)の〇〇(名前)です。— Thank you for your patronage. This is (name) of (company or business name). (used in formal business email)
Уважаемый (m)/Уважаемая (f) ___, — Dear ___, (used for formal)
Здравствуйте — Hello!
Добрый день — Good day!
Email sign-offs in different languages
Mille baisers or Bisous — A thousand kisses or XOXO (used for close friends)
Bonne journée — Have a good day!
Cordialement or Très cordialement — Cordially/Very cordially
Amicalement — Kindly
Saludos or Un saludo — Regards (used for informal)
Un abrazo or Un beso — Hug or Kiss (for people you are close to)
Cordialmente — Cordially
Saludos cordiales — Best regards
Atentamente — Sincerely or attentively
Liebe Grüße — Best regards
Mit freundlichen Empfehlungen — With friendly compliments
Mit freundlichen Grüßen — With friendly regards
Mach’s gut! — Take care! (used for informal)
Saluti — Regards
Cari saluti – Warm regards
La ringrazio – Thank you!
Un bacio or Un bacione – A kiss or A big kiss (used for close friends)
宜しくお願い致します。— used for Best regards
よろしくおねがいします — used for Nice to meet you
С уважением — used for Regards
С наилучшими пожеланиями — used for With best wishes
Заранее спасибо — used for Thank you in advance
Всего доброго — used for All the best!
These are only some of the email writing methods in different languages. If you are looking for hassle-free language learning courses with the assistance of the best in class technology, then you have a partner for your language learning in the form of Hello Hello Language on Go. This is the top language learning app developer that provides online language learning courses in 13 different languages that include Learn Spanish (Hello-Hello), Learn French (Hello-Hello), Learn German (Hello-Hello), etc.
So, download your favourite language learning app from Hello-Hello Language on Go and give yourself a new learning experience.