At a certain point along the way, you might have heard, or experienced, that Russians do not easily smile back at you in public if they do not feel like they have a reason to. However, don’t let this deter you from your effort to find love in Tolstoy’s great country (or perhaps in Brighton Beach). You can go ahead and try your shot through corny Russian pick-up lines. And who knows, you might pull it off in your case.
Here, are a few phrases, that you may use to ask someone out in the Russian language. Please, note that all the phrases use the formal “you” pronoun. While approaching a complete stranger or when in doubt, it’s better to stick to it.

Я обожаю вашу улыбку. (Ya obozhayu vashu ulibku.)
I love your smile.
Мне нравится вашe чувство юмора! (Mne nravitsya vashe chuvstvo yumora!)
I like your sense of humor!
У вас есть парень/девушка? (U vas yest’ paren/devushka?)
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Вы хорошо выглядите. (Vy horosho vygladite.)
You look good.
If you see the green signal to proceed, you can either ask to buy your crush a drink or ask if you can “get to know him or her better.” Note that this is not necessarily as suggestive as it seems — you are simply opening up the possibility of further dialogue.
Mожно с вами познакомиться? (Mozhno s vami poznakomit’sya?)
Can I get to know you?
Потанцуетe со мной? (Potantsuyete so mnoy?)
Would you like to dance with me?
If you wish to close the deal and get a future date out of the situation, it is more natural-sounding to suggest a task than to say, “Will you go on a date with me?” If you do wish to make your intentions truly explicit, you can say:
Давай встречаться? (Davay vstrechat’sya?)
Let us start dating.
But if you have already asked them about the relationship status, the probability is they know what you are going on about. Inviting your crush to the movies or for a weekend is a quite safe bet.
Пошли в кино. (Poshli v kino.)
Let us go to the movies.
Что ты делаешь в выходные? (Chto ty delayesh’ v vykhodnyye?)
What are you doing this weekend?
Some cheesy pick-up lines in Russian, that simply may work
See no need to be upset if none of the below lines get you anywhere. You had multiple paragraphs above of normal, good advice. But if you are feeling bold, or simply want to know a few Russian pick-up lines for your own entertainment, here they are. Who knows if you are charming enough, perhaps it does not even matter what you say.
Я влюбился/влюбилась в тебя с первого взгляда. (Ya vlyubilsya/vlyubilas’ v tebya s pervogo vzglyada.)
I fell in love (masculine/feminine.) with you at first sight.
Tебе не было больно, когда ты упал(а) с небес? (Tebe ne bylo bol’no, kogda ty upal(a) s nebes?)
Did it hurt? When you fell (masculine/feminine.) from heaven?

Learn Russian (Hello-Hello) is a full-fledged language course with 30 LESSONS developed in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), so you can be assured that these lessons follow an effective research-based methodology. All lessons are conversational based on realistic dialogues and situations, rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases. iTunes store link of Learn French (Hello-Hello)