Learning some basic phrases in Spanish is quite useful when you are planning a trip to Spain. It is a wise idea to learn Spanish phrases that will help you in different situations as you travel. Learning even a few phrases before your trip just not only makes your trip more enjoyable, but it can boost your confidence when talking to native Spanish-speakers. Even if you can merely say a few words, the Spanish people will simply appreciate your efforts to communicate in Spanish.
Here are some useful Spanish phrases to know for your upcoming trip to Spain. You can memorize them, or save them on your phone to take with you.
Basic phrases
Some of the fundamental Spanish phrases that you need to know in Spain. They are essential for interacting with people and being polite. Good manners will help you to cover a long distance.
Hello. Hola.
Excuse me. Perdon/Disculpe.
Thank you. Gracias.
Please. Por favor.
You are welcome. De nada.

While arriving in Spain
Once you reach Spain, the following Spanish phrases are helpful to have and a nice method to make your way around as smoothly as possible.
Where can I change money? ¿Dónde puedo cambiar dinero?
What time is it? ¿Qué hora es?
Can you please help me? ¿Me puede ayudar, por favor?
Do you speak English? ¿Habla inglés?
The below mentioned Spanish phrases can become handy for getting yourself situated and arranging your stay in Spain. They can also support you to make last minute arrangements if you need to.
Do you have any rooms available for tonight? ¿Le queda alguna habitación disponible por la noche?
How much is a single/double room per night? ¿Cúanto cuesta una habitación individual/doble por noche?
Is breakfast included? ¿Está incluido el desayuno?
Where is the room key? ¿Dónde está la llave de la habitación?
Here are some Spanish phrases that will help you to interact with people when strolling through the streets of Spain.
Where would you like to go? ¿Adónde queréis ir?
I’m lost. Estoy perdido/a.
Where can I get the tickets? ¿Dónde puedo conseguir las entradas?
Be understood
Occasionally when you are looking to talk in a foreign language, it could be difficult to get your point across. It can also be difficult to catch every word that a native Spanish-speaker is saying when you are not accustomed to the language. Here are certain Spanish phrases that might help you understand others and be understood yourself.
Please, speak slower. Por favor, hable más despacio.
I don’t understand what you said. No entiendo lo que dijo.
Can you repeat that, please? ¿Puede repetir eso, por favor?
How is that pronounced? ¿Cómo se pronuncia eso?
While eating out
Whether you opt to try a restaurant in Madrid, a café in Barcelona, or enjoy a certain Spanish street food, these phrases will help you when grabbing a bite to eat.
I am a vegetarian. Yo soy vegetariano/a.
What do you recommend to eat? ¿Qué me recomienda para comer?
I would like to see the menu, please. Me gustaría ver el menú, por favor.
I would like to order my food now, please. Me gustaría ordenar mi comida ahora, por favor.
Give me the bill, please. Deme la cuenta, por favor.
During shopping
Of course, your visit will be incomplete without any shopping, some of the phrases that you might use are:
Can I try it on? ¿Puedo probármelo?
How much does this cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
While your trip to Spain is finally over, some phrases will help you to conclude your trip.
Goodbye! ¡Adiós!
My flight is at X o’clock. Mi vuelo sale es a las X en punto.
Is the plane due to leave on time? ¿El avión saldrá a tiempo?