Want to learn how to impress your girlfriend or simply want to flirt in French? Ah, then you have come to the right place. Follow this blog to unearth how to do romance or flirt in French without making a major faux-pas.
You’ve all heard that French is the language of romance and love, so it’s just natural to aspire to learn the art of flirting in French. Sprinkling in a few French lovely sayings while chatting with your date is an excellent way to get the sparks to fly!
Additionally, being able to casually switch from English to French will give you an advantage against several other suitors.

Because the French language is known for being beautiful, romantic, and poetic, there are lots of French sayings to throw out. Whether it is be for cute and cheesy lines or the ones that are extremely suave and debonair, the choices are plenty. However, prior to using these flirty French phrases, you must know a little bit about French culture, particularly, if you’re thinking of saying these phrases when you visit France.
You need to understand that American and French dating cultures are completely different. For instance, a kiss in America is simply a kiss, while in France, a kiss is a sign of exclusivity.
So, without wasting your time, here we present you some of the finest flirtatious phrases or saying in French that may impress your date, immediately.
Puis-je vous offrir un verre ?
It means “Can I buy you a drink?” Offering to buy a girl or woman a drink is the oldest art in the flirting book. This is pretty much the same in France. Politely ask, your lady “Puis-je vous offrir un verre?” and wait for your date’s response.
Vous êtes célibataire ? Mais comment est-ce possible ?
This is a pretty smooth phrase, and the other individual would surely like it. It means, “Are you single? But how is that possible?”
T’as de beaux yeux, tu sais?
This phrase works quite well in any language. It will probably work a bit too well in France, particularly, for cinema lovers. It is one famous quote from Le quai des brumes, a French movie If you think you might get nervous during your trip, practise these romantic French phrases with a friend who speaks French.
Je veux passer ma vie avec toi.
Whether this is said prior or after the big question, the sentiment certainly speaks volumes. “I want to spend my life with you” is the finest way to communicate the depth of your feelings to the one you truly care about.
Tu es l’amour de ma vie.
This is quite a romantic French phrase. You can definitely say this to a long-time French girlfriend or boyfriend, who you feel you can spend the rest of your life with.
Actually, providing just five phrases is probably far too little, but nevertheless, the above-mentioned lines can surely help you to leave a good impression on the person whom you are about to date or are dating.