how to say no in foreign language

The word “No” might be quite tiny, but very important word indeed. Of course, no one usually likes to say or hear a “No” but at times it is very important to do so. In fact, saying no often saves you from being in possible trouble or embarrassment. So, this two-letter small word has its essence. So, let us take a look at how this tiny word is said in different corners of the world.

Indonesian – Tidak

Japanese – i-ie (Japanese are not quite comfortable with providing negative replies. There are various phrases used to say no, though).

French – Non

Portuguese – Não

German – Nien

Russian – nyet

Dutch – Nee

Hindi – Nahi (नहीं)

Spanish – No gracias (No Thank you) Spanish people usually use no followed by another word.

Italian – No, Grazie (No Thank you) Italians too use an expression post saying no. Also, there are several formal and informal ways of saying no in the Italian language.

These are some examples of saying no in several parts of the world. What’s your way of saying a “No” do let us know.