There are several hundreds of words in the English language that sound or seem similar to their Italian equivalents. This is not because Italian had a straight influence on English but rather because French, an extremely similar Romance language, has existed in several dialectal forms in the British Isles since the 11th century.
This blog focuses on English words that actually came from Italian.
First, take a look at the words for art and architecture
English Italian
Arcade Arcate
Artisan Artigiano
Balcony Balcone
Bronze Bronzo
Carpet Carpita
Cartoon Cartone
Dome Duomo
Figurine Figurina
Gallery Galleria
Grotesque Grottesca
Indigo Indaco
Mascara Maschera
Medal Medaglia
Pastel Pastello
Porcelain Porcellana
Rotunda Rotonda
Saloon Salone
Sienna Siena
Umber Umbria
Virtue Virtù
Now look at the food and culinary based words
English Italian
Biscotti Biscotto
Broccoli Broccolo
Caviar Caviale
Coffee Caffè
Lasgna Lasagne
Sugar Zucchero
Let us now take a look at the words from language and literature:
English Italian
Novel Novella
Pun Puntiglio
Sonnet Sonetto
Trill Trillo
Here are some words related to music:
English Italian
Capo Capotasto
Cello Violoncello
Concert Concerto
Folio Foglio
Serenade Serenata
Its time to venture into the political words:
English Italian
Fascism Fascismo
Partisan Partigiano
Illuminati Illuminatus