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When you are learning a language, you are also learning the culture and the same applies to Italian too. And when one talks about Italian, a family is a very vital aspect of Italian culture. Here, through this blog post, you will come to know about several members of an Italian family.

These words would further boost your Italian vocabulary if you are among those who are learning the Italian language.


He is the dad, he is the head of the family. In an Italian family, he is referred to as padre. It is also used for priests in Italian. While papàand babbo are other two words that refer to dad.


Madre is the formal form of mother in Italian just like Padre. Another word is used to define mother is Mamma.


The Italians uses the word genitori for parents. Do not get confused by another word though Parenti, which actually means relatives.


An easy word to remember perhaps. You must have heard the word fraternity. Basically, it is used for brotherhood. And Fratello is used for Brother in Italian.


Sisters, particularly if they are older ones, they can be protective and loving. In Italian, Sorella is the word for sister.


Italian husbands are considered, great, passionate, and cultured. Marito is the right word for husband. If you are married, that is you have a spouse, sposato is used. While for a single man its celibe and for a single lady nubile.


A word that is usually used for an Italian wife is moglie.


The g is silent for both the words figlio and figlia which are used for son and daughter It is basically pronounced as fee-llyo and fee-llya.


Quite close to the Spanish counterpart for uncle and aunt called tio and tia.


Grandpa or granddad. In Italian family grandparents are quite active.


The grandmother is actually the real head of an Italian family. Called as nonna.


Italians don’t distinguish between nephew and niece. The word, “nipote” is used for both.


Before one officially becomes a family when a man and woman are engaged fidanzato and fidanzata are used for them. While for a for more casual ones ragazzo and ragazza are used means boyfriend and girlfriend.


Now comes the little member of the family. For a baby boy bimbo is the word while for a baby girl bimba will be used.

Now practice these words more often and master your basic Italian language and become a pro.