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Should One Use it in Italy?

For an Italian word, ‘ciao’ appears to belong to no one and to everybody all at once. It has been adopted by at least 38 languages, and its impact extends well beyond Europe, Japan, and Latin America, people part ways warmly on the crest of this single syllable, and while not technically English, you will be greatly understood (if not considered a little impacted) if you use it in the US. Even if Italy lays claim to the origin of ciao, it has long since transformed into a cosmopolitan touchstone — a word that will register simply about anywhere.

So what has been the matter with ciao? How did a small but strong Italian word become a worldwide gateway in and out of conversations with your closest friends? Spoiler: the origin of ciao is almost definitely not what you believe it is, but its history makes a fantastic case study for how languages grow and expands.

The Origin

At one point the word ciao was not ciao, but actually, s’ciao. It was an abbreviation of s’ciao vostro, which stands for “I am your slave” as per the Venetian dialect.

Venice was quite active during the slave trade of the time, which suggests it is impossible to entirely wipe out this history from the word’s significance. However, its elemental meaning was somehow more congenial than it seems, and certainly a lot less, er, of the word spears. Perennially, to say s’ciao was to say “I am at your service” or “I am here for you if you need me,” and to express huge respect, loyalty, and trust. Assumingly, it was also used by everybody in spite of their social standing, and even amongst deeply devoted lovers.

It did not take long for ciao to begin catching on in other languages, but there is no clear consensus on ways, exactly, it was popularized.

One specific theory is that an eminent English writer introduced it to the English language during his 1929 novel.

That does not account for the total linguistic reach ciao has been able to get, however. It is said that Italian immigrants carried ciao with them when they settled in different parts of the globe, and it proved to be a quite infectious trend in their newfound home countries.

Visitors to Italy might have also been partially accountable for its spread. Post-WW II, Italy became a quite popular vacation destination, and Italian culture and film became more greatly consumed in other parts of the world.

Consequently, s’ciao became schiavo, the word that presently means “slave” in usual Italian. Its offshoot, ciao, mainly shed its servile connotations, but it did not become part of the official Italian language until the starting of the 20th century. At this point, its usage had spread beyond the Venetian territories into other parts of Northern Italy, and it had already started showing up in the literature and songs of that period.

When to Use Ciao in Italy?

Though the problematic origin of ciao has quite little to do with way it was used as a loanword in other languages, Italians regard it as a bit gauche when used in an inappropriate surrounding. This is not because it still sounds troublesome necessarily, but because it could sound overly familiar in the wrong social setting. Just think of a stranger telling you “I am your servant” in English. If one listens properly, one will notice that it is really not as universal of a greeting in Italy as one may think.

Ciao is usually, used in only the most informal settings in Italian, and it is much less commonly said among older generations. So actually, you will perhaps only hear it being said among close pals, within families, and amongst young people hanging out with their friends.

Though tourists and non-native speakers will usually, get a pass if they use it in the wrong scenario, you are better off starting with a buongiorno or salve if you are talking to a waiter, an older relative, or someone you would not usually, be on a first-name basis with.