If you are new to learning the French language, you are in for a definite treat. The French language is certainly a beautiful one to learn. There are more than 200, 000 words and phrases, though the number seems daunting. One simply needs to learn around 5% of them in order to have a good conversation with someone in French.
So, if you are new to learning the French language, master the following words and see how well you can initiate conversation. Start with some of the basic French words.
- Bonjour = Hello or Good morning
- Au revoir = Goodbye
- Oui = Yes
- Non = No
- Merci = Thank you
- Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much
- Garçon = Boy
- Fille = Girl
- Homme = Man
- Femme = Woman
- Amour = Love
- Français = French
- S’il vous plaît = Please
- Bonsoir = Good evening
- Bonne Nuit = Good night
- Excusez-moi = Excuse me
- De Rien = You are welcome! (informal)
- Je vous en prie = You are welcome! (formal)
- Temps = Time
- Jour = Day
- Monde = World
- Monsieur = Mister, gentleman
- Mademoiselle = Miss, unmarried woman
- Madame = Married woman, older woman
- Raison = Reason
- Beau = Handsome
- Belle = Beautiful
- Chat = Cat
- Chien = Dog
- Fort = Strong
Now you know about some of the words, lets have a look at the phrases in French.
- Comment vous appelez-vous? = What is your name?
- Parlez-vous anglais? = Do you speak English?
- Je suis désolé(e) = I am sorry
- Je m’appelle= My name is
- Quelle heure est-il? = What time is it?
- Comment allez-vous? = How are you doing?
- Pouvez-vous m’aider? = Can you help me?
- Combien ça coûte?= How much is this?
- Je t’aime= I love you
This definitely is not a complete list of every basic French word or phrase you need to know, this list will help you while you start your French. To learn more of the French language, Hello-Hello Language on the Go will assist you to converse in French confidently, through its French learning app.

Learn French Vocabulary (HH)
Hello-Hello’s Learn French Vocabulary app helps users to master French words and phrases essential for their academic, professional, and business success. The French course is based on a proven language learning methodology supported by amazing images; clear audio files (learn pronunciation) and engaging exercises. The app contains an extended database of French words and phrases and features 7 different modules for learning, 4 of which are designed specifically to practice listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The learning process is enhanced with the use of word games, self-voice recording and spelling checks. iTunes Store Link https://apps.apple.com/us/app/learn-french-vocabulary-hh/id434209496