HelloHello Spanish Iphone app

Any time is a good time to begin learning a new language. And yet, there is a certain thing about the new year that gives a little dose of added motivation to attempt something you have not done earlier. On the first day of the year, your plate is clean and you are able to resolve to do anything you wish. If you are one of those persons on the fence, then we are here to assist.  Here are multiple reasons to learn languages in 2022.

Every individual is unique, so no one expects one reason fits all. Perhaps you would be motivated by several of them, or probably merely one will kick the spark.

Several reasons to learn languages this year

Travel is coming back, sooner than later

Even now, it is quite early to tell when travel will resume completely to its pre-pandemic days (or if it would ever be exactly the same). Still, there is plenty of optimism for the coming times. Why not get a kick start on your journey by initiating to learn a language now? That method, you would be all the better equipped when you finally board that flight.

It could assist you to connect with your heritage

One of the major reasons for learning a new language is because it is used by an individual’s parents, grandparents, or ancestors or way further back. Language and culture are quite intertwined, so learning a language could be a top method to understand your heritage in a better manner.

Movies and TV Series are becoming more multilingual

Streaming platforms are investing exclusively in entertainment that is not just in English, and it is paying off. Some of the finest TV series of the past few years have been in different languages. And yes, subtitles are quite helpful and you must certainly use them.

There are added methods to learn better

There is no specific-size-fits-all solution to learning. Actually, one of the finest methods to get to know a new language is by approaching it in multiple ways. And fortunately for you, there are new ways to learn. Hello Hello is one such language learning app and it has a long vocabulary-based scenario that gives you learning choices that fit your lifestyle, whatever it might be.

Good for your career

While it might not be correct in every field, having a knowledge of a second or third language could be a big leap up when you are on the job hunt. Several professionals, video editors, social workers, and many are all helped when they are better able to understand other languages. Bilingual people also mostly get paid more for having that extra skill.

Nice way to avert tourist traps

Finding the finest, off-the-beaten-route destinations could be difficult. There are plenty of websites that promise to give you “authentic” recommendations, but there is nothing pathetic than showing up at a destination and realizing that there is not much that is authentic about it. The finest way to avert tourist traps is to learn some of the languages, befriend local guys, and look at non-English sources regarding information.

You will learn more about English

The English language is a strange mixture of several European languages. It’s Germanic, but it is also highly influenced by French and other languages. When you are learning another language, you may be shocked to see words you have heard in English popping up every time. Studying another language will provide you with some insight into how English absorbed linguistic influences from others.

Perhaps you will fall in love

It might sound like a quite rare occasion that people who speak different languages fall in love, but it can be assured it happens many a time. Forming a relationship is already very much about working on communication, so adding in a language barrier is not as much a deal-breaker as you would expect. After all, love conquers everything and that includes the subjunctive tense.