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French has always been known as the language of romance and love. Probably it has something to do with Paris or the manner the language sounds, or perhaps it’s because the French were historically the first to actually embrace the concept of falling in love before marriage.

It is not surprising, then, to discover that there are several ways to say “I love you” and express your other love expressions in French.

Let us take a look at some of them.

First see, how I Love You is said differently in French.

I like you – Je t’aime bien

I love you – Je t’aime

You mean a lot to me – Je t’aime beaucoup

I adore you – Je t’adore

French words for Endearment now.

Now you know that you love someone, now how to express further.

I miss you – Tu me manques

Do you miss me – Est-ce que je te manque

I cannot wait (am impatient) to see you – Je suis impatient(e) de te voir

Now this is the time for the Hugs and Kisses.

You perhaps want to translate hugs and kisses. However, you need to be careful. They say its all about kisses in France. In fact, people greet with two kisses in France. Hugs are not that prominent.

Kiss – Bisous

Kisses – Bises

I embrace you –  Je t’embrasse

Let us take how love phrases are said in French.

I would love to spend more time with you – J’aimerais passer plus de temps avec toi

Would you like to go out with me – Est-ce que tu veux sortir avec moi

You make me so happy – Tu me rends tellement heureux/heureuse

Now you have a fair idea in order to fall in love and impress a French person.