learn Basic spanish hello-hello

Learning basic Spanish could be a fun and enjoyable process with thrilling challenges. If one is highly motivated to learn the language as rapidly as possible, you will want to prepare yourself to speak it early and frequently. In simple words—start now and don’t stop!

For some, it’s a challenge to squeeze Spanish into their daily schedule. Life is busy, and who truly has time anymore? Don’t you wish you could wave a magic wand that could magically know Spanish?

Wishful thinking apart, you know deep down that achieving any target requires concerted effort. In reality, learning a language is a continuous process that grows in complexity over time. When you look at it this way, you can embrace the reality that you’ll continue improving your Spanish for the rest of your life.

For the time being, put your long-term goal on the back burner and focus on how to master the basics in the here and now, and in the most effective way possible. With practice and perseverance on your side, you are already on your path to Spanish proficiency.

If Ready, Set Goals

To overcome any obstacles, you may have with a busy schedule, set a reasonable target to practice for certain minutes per day, each day. What do your schedule, learning method, and level of motivation allow? Even 5-10 minutes of regular study is better than nothing, and it will make a difference if you maintain it every day. To further increase the effectiveness of your daily practice time, check out the tips and strategies that are given below.

Defining Basic Spanish

First of all, what does “basic Spanish” is all about? At this level of language ability, one is able to:

·       Understand and apply common words and phrases

·       Read short and easy texts

·       Communicate in simple methods and engage in basic conversations

·       Write using short and simple sentences

Tips to Learn Basic Spanish Faster

Making huge strides toward learning basic Spanish needs taking action in a productive and smart manner. Contrary to what one may think, you do not have to pay attention to complicated grammatical structures or memorize long vocabulary. As you know, this is not the way you learned your native language, so why do this when learning a new language?

Rather, follow the following tips to make sure that your Spanish learning journey is on the right path.

Learn as a Group, Make Friends with Spanish Speakers

Learning on your own is perfectly good—since, ultimately, you are responsible for your own learning and growth—but it is even better to learn by having a small group.

Sadly, your Spanish practice could face a considerable amount of neglect if the people around you in your home environment and social circle only speak English or any other language. This lack of usage negatively affects your acquisition of the language and slows down the overall learning process.

While on the contrary, if you choose for learning along with your friends, you can practice speaking Spanish together! This sort of immersion encourages your brain to build long-term memory and improves comprehension through repetition. Besides, you’ll even have fun while you are at it.

If you do not have any friends who want to join you on the Spanish learning adventure, you can benefit from finding others with whom to converse. The good news is that befriending Spanish speakers has never been easier, thanks to the web. Have a sneak at language forums, Spanish school websites, and blogs to link with like-minded Spanish learners. Or, consider an informal conversational session with a language partner.

Include Basic Spanish as Part of Your Routine

Don’t simply study Spanish; live your life through Spanish. Studies show that the key to impactful learning is by listening. When you listen repeatedly to the same information, you are able to learn vocabulary and grammar patterns faster and unconsciously. 

As a starter, you can mix your daily speaking practice with a more laid-back method to learning. In other words, take in Spanish language songs, shows, moves, books, podcasts, stories, articles, you get the idea.

What’s more, make a game of it. Act like you’re a native speaker and immerse yourself in the Spanish language by speaking, reading, and listening to it daily. Besides reinforcing the skills, you are learning, this method increases your familiarity with the rhythm and cadence of Spanish.

Know that you would not understand everything at first. Yet, by simply surrounding yourself with Spanish and making it a core part of your life, you will acquire the language faster.

Write-in Spanish

Writing in Spanish will simply do wonders for your learning progress. It assists you solidify the grammar structures you are learning and better organize the way you express your ideas in Spanish.

Writing a blog or small journal about your Spanish learning process is a nice way to practice your new language skills and document your progress.

Want some ideas? Write about what you learned during the past week, what you found difficult, what came pretty easily, and how you dealt with any problem that arose. Write about what you would like to learn next. In simple words, write about anything and everything Spanish-related that belongs to you.

Speak Early and Frequently

Learning Spanish is not only about acquiring grammar and vocabulary. Above all else, language is a mode of communication and purposeful interaction between humans. If you begin speaking Spanish immediately and using it mainly as a form of communication (and not simply a static thing to be studied), then you will gain fluency quicker.

In fact, your top aim for learning Spanish is to speak with others. Step out of your comfort zone, expose yourself out there, and speak to anyone who will lend an ear. Repeat words in front of the mirror, to family and friends, or even to your pet. Record yourself and play it back to a native-speaking friend so you can correct your pronunciation.

As you stumble through several attempts to explain yourself in Spanish, keep a free mind and accept that you will make errors when speaking Spanish as a beginner. Despite the discomfort of it, motivate yourself to remember that the more you practice the easier it will be.

These steps can help you a lot if looking to learn Spanish. Similarly, you can also try the Spanish Language learning app from Hello – Hello Language on the Go to make your learning experience all the more exceptional, feliz aprendizaje