Learn Japanese Language

Any language that you are learning, you need to learn them from basics. The same applies to learning Japanese too. While learning the language, one thing that you need to use frequently is the days and months that appear on a calendar. Thus, the better you learn them in the initial phases of your learning time the easier it will get for you while communicating.

Here, are the name of days and months of a Japanese calendar and how you can speak them.

Days of a Week

Monday – getsu-yoobi

Tuesday – ka-yoobi

Wednesday – sui-yoobi

Thursday – moku-yoobi

Friday – kin-yoobi

Saturday – do-yoobi

Sunday – nichi-yoobi


January – ichi-gatsu

February – ni-gatsu

March – san-gatsu

April – shi-gatsu

May – go-gatsu

June – roku-gatsu

July – shichi-gatsu

August – hachi-gatsu

September – ku-gatsu

October – juu-gatsu

November – juuichi-gatsu

December – juuni-gatsu

Last, this, and Next (Day and Week)


Yesterday – kinoo

Today – kyoo

Tomorrow – ashita


Last Week – senshuu

This Week – konshuu

Next Week – raishuu

Last, this and Next (Month and Year)


Last Month – sengetsu

This Month – kongetsu

Next Month – raigetsu


Last Year – kyonen

This Year – kotoshi

Next Year – rainen