learn French language

The Important French Words and Phrases you Need to Know

Are you planning to visit France or looking to settle down there for a while? Also, are you the kind of person who simply loves to drive cars? Well, whether you are planning to go there on a holiday or on a prolonged stay, you need to know some of the basic and important words and phrases in French which will make your driving experience in France a lot easier. As you know that every country has specific traffic rules that are inscribed on signages or roadsides in local languages. Thus, knowing the meanings of those languages that are for traffic rules is a mandatory thing. Specifically, when you are new to that place and are looking to drive or seek any assistance further.

After all, everyone wants hassle-free driving whenever they can. Here let us take a look at some of the words.

For Hiring a Car

Je voudrais louer une voiture – I would like to rent a car.

Est-ce que l’assurance est comprise? – Is insurance included in the price?

C’est combien par jour? -How much is it per day?

Est-ce possible d’avoir une voiture avec chauffeur? – Is it possible to have a car with a driver?

J’ai besoin d’un transfert ville-aéroport – I need a transfer from the city to the airport.

J’ai fait une réservation le mois dernier – I made a booking last month.

Je voudrais modifier une réservation éxistante – I would like to change/modify an existing reservation.

Important French Road Signs

Suivez les panneaux – Follow the signs.

Vous n’avez pas la priorité – You don’t have the right of way.

Stationnement interdit – Parking prohibited.

Sortie – Exit.

Sens uniqune – One way.

Déviation – Diversion.

La circulation – Traffic.

Rappel de limitation de Vitesse – Reminder about the speed limit.

Interdiction de doubler/dépasser – No overtaking.