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These days almost every household uses appliances and a mass of household appliances in your homes are being used to make domestic work easier and quicker. Look around your kitchen or laundry and you will see simply how many little electrical time-saving devices you have. Now, here is the Spanish household appliances list of vocabulary for you to put to those small wonders.

Note that the Spanish word used for the appliance is aparato.

Also, if you are planning to move to Spain for any reason be it for an official visit or a travel holiday, shopping is something which is always on the list. And if any how you happen to visit a Spanish store for household appliances, you should know some of the important words used for specific appliances that you wish to purchase.

Here are the following names which are translated from Spanish to English.

Estéreo – Stereo

Lavadora – Washing Machine

Lavaplatos – Dish Washer

Computadora – Computer

Horno – Oven

Tetera – Kettle

Estufa – Stove

Refrigerador – Fridge

Tostador – Toaster

Congelador – Freezer

Plancha – Iron

Batidora, Liquadora – Mixer

Despertador – Alarm Clock

How would you ask? As “lavar” stands for wash; “tostar” means toast; “congelar” means freeze: “hornear” means bake; or “despertar” means to wake up? If you know those and others from the list above, then relax, you simply expanded your list of Spanish vocabulary.