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Beautiful it is just a simple word with infinite meaning and express all over the world. You say it in various contexts.

You say it when you are talking to your significant one to tell them, that they are beautiful inside and out. You also say it when you are describing the beauty of your surroundings. You say it when you look at flowers or other natural wonders. And there are times when you do not even need to speak the word, you can simply have a look at someone or something with all the heartfelt admiration that they know.

Does not matter what language you speak and say beautiful in, the strength and magic of this word is undeniable.

Make the word “beautiful” even more meaningful by learning how to say it in various languages. It is a perfect way to tell your sweetheart, or just because you love them every day. “Beautiful” is not just for lovers either, saying it to your kids, mom, best friend, and even your lovable pet totally works, too.

Here is the list of several languages that are used to say the word beautiful.

English – Beautiful

Chinese – Měilì de (美丽的)

Dutch – mooi

French – belle(feminine), beau (masculine)

German – schön

Italian – bellissima (feminine), Bellissima (masculine)

Indonesian – cantik

Hindi – सुंदर (Sundar)

Japanese – Kireina (綺麗な)

Portuguese – bela

Russian – krasivaya (красивая)

Spanish – hermosa (feminine), hermoso (masculine)

Hungarian –    szép

Now you fairly know how to say beautiful in different languages. Go out and say this to your loved ones and let them know they look beautiful today.