Saying No is often a difficult part of your life. Nobody wants to hurt their loved ones by saying these two-letter words that represent disappointment and rejection for many. But sometimes you have to make that tough call and need to say NO.
But do you know that French people have several words and phrases of saying NO? If you don’t know then read further to know about those French words and phrases. If you are learning French it will be of great use for you too as far as your learning is concerned.
By the way the Non means No in French.
Non (Pronunciation: nohn)
Non means no. This is the most common and best method of saying no in French. One can use it for both formal and informal situations.
Non merci (Pronunciation: nohn-mer-see)
It means no thanks or no thank you. This is a polite version of saying no in French. It is used more for showing respect and can be used in any situation.
Certainement pas (Pronunciation: sir-tin-uh-mohn-pah)
It means certainly not in French. This a strong way of saying no in French. It could be used while speaking with anyone.
Absolument pas (Pronunciation: ab-so-loo-mohn-pah)
It literally means absolutely not. It is used while expressing a stronger no, both formally and informally.
Jamais (Pronunciation: jha-may)
It is an expression of strong no. The strongest one while saying in French. Translating as you hope something will never occur again.
Jamais au grand jamais (Pronunciation: jha-may-oh-grahn-jha-may)
It means never to the big never. This is a stronger and negative expression.
Bien sûr que non (Pronunciation: be-ihn-soohr-cuh-nohn)
Exactly meaning well sure that no This is an obvious no. Used for both formal and informal talk.
Moi non plus (Pronunciation: mwah-nohn-ploo)
It means me neither, roughly says you agree with someone’s negative comment. Like if a person says to you that he/she does not want to do something and one agrees.
Vous avez tort (Pronunciation: vooz-ah-vay-tore)
You are wrong is the exact meaning. It is used for formal situations while addressing a group of people.
It gives you an idea that there are multiple ways of saying NO in French. If you further want to know and learn French. Hello-Hello language learning app could be your learning partner in your journey while learning different words in French.

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Hello-Hello’s Learn French Vocabulary app helps users to master French words and phrases essential for their academic, professional, and business success.
The French course is based on a proven language learning methodology supported by amazing images; clear audio files (learn pronunciation) and engaging exercises. The app contains an extended database of French words and phrases and features 7 different modules for learning, 4 of which designed specifically to practice listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The learning process is enhanced with the use of word games, self-voice recording and spelling check.
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