French culture is not just rich but it is one of the most loved ones in the world. Be it romance, architecture, arts, or cuisines. Nothing can beat the French flavor. Exquisite is the word that fits when one talks about the French culture.
When we talk about exquisite, food is mostly at the highest pedestal in any French conversation. The French people always comment richly on the food be it at home or at a restaurant.
This blog will help you to know some of the positive and negative words that are frequently used in French while commenting about food.
So, if you are in France or are invited to your French friend’s home, you should know how to comment on the food. The same is the case if you happen to visit any restaurant.
So, here are some of the most useful comments while saying about food be it as a compliment and or showing your displeasure.
Let us now first see about the Positive Ones
Que/Comme c’est beau. (Please note the construction “comme c’est) – How Beautiful.
La présentation est magnifique /superbe – The presentation is magnificent.
C’est vraiment appétissant – It appears tasty/appetizing.
Que/Comme la présentation est belle – It roughly translates as “how pretty”, saying about the presentation.
J’en ai l’eau à la bouche – It makes my mouth watery.
Je me regale – I love it/ I m really enjoying it.
C’est délicieux – It is delicious.
L’assaisonnement est parfait – The seasoning is perfect.
Here are the Negative Ones
Berk – Yuck.
La viande était super dure – The meat was super tough.
Le poulet était tellement fade – The chicken was so boring/tasteless.
C’était infect / dégoûtant – It was disgusting.
C’était beaucoup trop cuit – It was really overdone.
C’était immangeable – It was inedible.
La sauce n’avait aucun gout – The sauce had no flavor.
Now you know what to say while expressing your views regarding French food or cuisine.

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