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Just like a Hello, which is the word used to start a conversation with all that enthusiasm. Contrary to that saying Goodbye which is a word filled with all the emotion and also, at times never easy to say.

Traditionally, one bids goodbye when they are leaving or parting ways. Besides, hello, I love you, and thank you, goodbye is also one of the most commonly used words around the globe.

And knowing, how to say goodbye in several languages is a skill that can come in handy any time.

Before, we proceed further let us tell you how the word goodbye originated. It has been originated from the term “Godbwye” which means God be with you. It actually, conveys a prayer, hope, blessing that the person upon whom it is bestowed will travel securely and safely.

Here, takes a look at different ways of saying goodbye.

Chinese (Mandarin) – Zàijiàn  

Dutch – Vaarwel

French – Au revoir

German – Auf wiedersehen

Indonesian – Selamat tinggal

Hungarian – Viszontlátásra

Italian –  Addio

Japanese –  Sayōnara

Portuguese – Tchau

Russian – Proshchay

Spanish –  Adiós