You would be surprised to know that Spanish memes are not only fun but also educational? If you believe that laughter is the best medicine, keep reading to know about Spanish memes and chuckle that is family-friendly and hilarious.
Spanish Memes, Why?
Memes (pronounced “meem”), as per the Oxford Dictionary, are an element of a culture or system of behavior that might be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, specifically imitation.
In actual terms, they are humorous images on the internet that people usually copy (mostly with slight variations). They spread quickly using social media and mostly go viral.
Things to Note
· Memes feature easy sentences and phrases with relatively simple vocabulary.
· They follow patterns that are delightfully simple to figure out. If you are not familiar with memes, by looking at a handful of them, you will quickly start to see their patterns.
· Memes in any language seems to use informal language.
· Spanish memes at times use purposeful misspellings and grammar errors as a part of the broma (joke). Since memes mostly lean heavily on modern text and internet slang, you may want to brush up on your Spanish text message vocabulary.
· The picture assists you to understand the theme and the emotion linked with each meme.
· Laughing is awesome for learning.
Memes are usually, crude and far from kid-friendly. However, there are some of the funniest Spanish memes that you can share with your kid.
What’s Your Name?
This meme is a classic, with its simple question and picture of a cute llama filling in for one of the words in this basic Spanish question.
You may have seen that this meme has a grammatical error that one needs to unpack:
In terms of pronouns, Spanish speakers use tú and usted, which both translates as “you.” More particularly, tú is less formal than usted, and it needs a slightly different verb conjugation. As one can see, ¿Cómo te llamas (tú)? means “What’s your name?”, as does ¿Cómo se llama (usted)? The visible difference worth noting here is the -s at the end of llamas when referring to tú and that, in short, they must have put two llamas in this Spanish meme.
No se juega con fuego
As parents universally warn, “Do not play with fire! It is dangerous, and it will burn you.” But this funny Spanish meme throws in a twist: Y Fuego quedó sin amigos. Translated: “And Fire ended up having no friends.” Pobrecito.
Advanced Cat Technology
Ni la NASA tiene esta tecnología this meme means even NASA does not have this technology. It uses cats as the meme theme.
Dogs vs Cats
Ell gato hase lo mismo y no te enojas this meme involves a dog standing in front of a computer screen and complaining, the cat does the same and you don’t get angry. As any cat owner can relate to this as cat loves to perch themselves straight in front of the screen.
Cuando mi mamá me llama por mis dos nombres
This translates as when my mom calls me by my two names. In almost any language, you know you are in trouble when your mother calls you by your full name. This funny Spanish meme uses the lovable and popular Toy Story character, Woody, making a face that indicates he is feeling apprehensive and scared. Seems like he is metido en un lío (in trouble) and muy preocupado (quite worried) about it.

Hello-Hello’s Learn Spanish Vocabulary app helps users to master Spanish words and phrases essential for their academic, professional, and business success.
The Spanish course is based on a proven language learning methodology supported by amazing images; clear audio files (learn pronunciation) and engaging exercises. The app contains an extended database of Spanish words and phrases and features 7 different modules for learning, 4 of which are designed specifically to practice listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The learning process is enhanced with the use of word games, self-voice recording and spelling checks.
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