Learn these Important Words for Greetings in Brazilian Portuguese
Going to any country needs to get familiar with its culture, language, heritage, and people. It is always better to make yourself prepared before you leave for a particular country. And it starts with learning the language of that particular country where you are about to visit. Be it for official or leisure purposes.
And the first thing is to know how you would be greeting someone.
This blog is about some of the important words used for greetings that are spoken in Brazilian Portuguese. Knowing these words and sentences will certainly give you a jump start, the moment you will land out of any Brazilian airport.
Let us take a look at some of the most important greeting words that are quite common in Brazilian Portuguese.
Here, they are.
Greeting is the most important thing to start with whenever you meet someone. And it is the same for Brazil as well. You should master yourself with the following words or sentences that are frequently used for greetings in Brazilian Portuguese.
Basic Portuguese Greetings
The following expressions could be used in any context, formal, informal, spoken, written you just name it.
These are the first ones you must learn when venturing into a Portuguese-speaking area, and the ones you must master first to understand others.
Here are some of the basic greetings.
- Olá (Hello)
- Bom dia (Good morning, lit. Good day)
- Boa tarde (Good afternoon)
- Boa noite (Good evening/Good night)
- Bem-vindo (Welcome)
- Tudo bem? (How are you, lit. Everything well?)
- Até logo / Até amanhã (See you later/tomorrow, lit. Until later/Until tomorrow)
- Adeus (Goodbye)
Formal Greetings
Formal greetings are used if you are meeting senior citizens, your boss, anyone you do not well properly or your co-workers you have met recently. You need to use the formal greetings phrases.
- Como está?/Como vai? (How are you? /How do you do? lit. How do you go?)
- Tem passado bem? (Lit. Have you been well?)
- Cumprimentos (Greetings)
- Estimado(a)… / Caro(a)… / Prezado(a) Sr(a)… (Dear…)
- Atenciosamente/Cordialmente (Sincerely, Best regards/Cordially)
Informal Greetings
Ready to impress your friends, with these laid back, heart-warming greetings? Continue reading and ensure you practice these words both out loud and through writing.
- Oi! (Hi)
- Alô? / Está? / Estou sim? (Hello?)
- E aí? (What’s up?)
- Como você está? / Como vai você? (How are you? / How are you doing?)
- Como estás? / Como vais? (How are you? / How are you doing?)
- Como estás? / Como vais? (How are you? / How are you doing?)
- Abraço (Hug)
- Beijinho (Lit. “Little kiss”)
- Tchau! / Xau! (Bye!)
Learn Portuguese Vocabulary with Hello-Hello

Hello-Hello’s iOS and Android apps for learning the Portuguese language course offers a unique and engaging learning methodology that is built with animated videos, amazing designed interface, adorable comic characters that put the learner on a fun journey to learn Portuguese!
Some of the features of Learn Portuguese (Hello-Hello) are
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- Take notes
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- Receive notifications with new words to build your vocabulary.
iTunes link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/learn-portuguese-vocabulary-hh/id434218862