Spanish Language app

If you are looking to learn a foreign language, but you do not know which one to learn, or if you want to learn various languages and you do not know which one to begin with or if you think learning a foreign language is too difficult, and you want something to learn that will be easier, then Spanish is certainly the best choice.

The Grammar in Spanish is Easy

Spanish grammar is quite similar to English, so it is not difficult to learn. Yes, the adjectives follow their nouns, and there are additional verb conjugations, placing together a sentence in Spanish works in almost the similar way as in English.

Spanish Language in Insightful

Understanding of Spanish will provide you better insights into Latin and its impact on English. Mostly, it will illuminate several of those cryptic medical or biological terminologies. And studying the grammar of another language provides you more insight into your own.

Roots from Latin Makes it Easy

The Latin roots of Spanish are visible in the Latin roots in English. Various new words will be simpler to learn simply because their etymologies are easy to identify, like as in la mano which one recognizes from manual, as in “manual labor”.

It is Phonetic

Spanish is cent percent phonetic. Words are pronounced exactly the way they are written, and they are written just as they are pronounced. When learning a new or foreign language, this is invaluable.

There are Less Grammatical Exceptions

Contrary to most other languages, in Spanish, there are quite less exceptions. There are limited irregular verbs, most conjugate normally. There are lesser nouns where the article does not match the ending (such as in la mano), most match up as expected.

Plenty of Resources

There are no dearth of good movies, music, and books available in the Spanish language for learning and practice. Or, if you simply want to enjoy a good T.V. show.

Spanish is Across the United States

In America, several jobs are done mainly by Spanish-speaking people. Knowledge of the Spanish language could be the thing that makes it feasible for you to become a manager or gain some other influential role. And for several jobs, like in a hospital or a police station, it might be a vital job skill.

Global Speakers

Even though Mandarin-speakers in the globe outnumber Spanish-speakers, but the majority of those who speak Mandarin are lives in China. Spanish-speakers, however, can be seen all over the world. With the exception of Canada, Spanish is mostly the 1st or 2nd language in each country in both North and South America, which is two whole continents, not even counting Spain. Thus, your chances of meeting someone and utilizing your Spanish is very high.

Knowing Spanish Means, Greater Travel Alternatives

There are plenty of wonderful travel destinations in the Spanish-speaking countries which one could visit with confidence, without the help of a translator or tour guide. It might be possible to travel without speaking a foreign language, but being capable to communicate while you travel is stupendous and invaluable.

About Hello-Hello’s Spanish iPhone and Android Applications

Hello-Hello’s iOS and Android apps for learning the Spanish language course offers a unique and engaging learning methodology that is built with animated videos, amazing designed interface, adorable comic characters that put the learner on a fun journey to learn Spanish!

Some of the features of Learn Spanish (Hello-Hello) are

  • Animated videos and comic strips
  • Games to practice reading and listening skills
  • Cleaner and more friendly user interface
  • Follow your course progress
  • Take notes
  • Receive notifications with lesson reminders. The more you practice, the more you learn!
  • Receive notifications with new words to build your vocabulary.

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